【マレーシア 観光 旅行 ブログ Blog】
Place name:
Iron Mosque Putrajaya
+60 3-8880 4300
Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Presint 3, 62000 Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, Malaysia
Operating Time:
Saturday to Thursday 9am to 1230pm, 14pm to 16pm, 17pm to 18pm,
Friday 15pm to 16pm, 17pm to 18pm
Park inside the Mosque. (Think its no charge.)
My remark:
Another Iconic Mosque located in Putrajaya area which is southern part of Kuala Lumpur City Center and take about 40 min from the city. This Iron Mosque is one of the modern mosques in Malaysia that you must visit when travel to Malaysia, especially in Putrajaya. Its say this mosque can accommodate up to 20,000 worshippers including second floor. This mosque has no air-con with itself cooling system which surrounding covered by water drain. There are some volunteer here to stand by in case you need some tour explanation. This mosque 70% is made by iron, that's why call Iron Mosque, amazing, right?! It was a good chance to learn some teaching regarding Islam. Please remember with short pants, skirt, sleeveless, skimpy attire, will not be allowed to enter the Mosque but robe will be provided from the counter. Next to mosque is this Iron Mosque, you can see an object like rocket. A green rocket shape. It's call Millennium Monument. You can find Malaysia history at the bottom side of this rocket object with a big and long park. From internet info, the main pillar has a 68m height and if you walk along the walkway, you will find out Malaysia history, some mega project etc.
Other Blog:
Click → Blue Mosque in Shah Alam
Click → Pink Mosque in Putrajaya
Click → プトラジャヤ (Putrajaya) 徹底的に大自然を満喫コース
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