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ここはゲンティングハイランドのふもとにある欄の市場横にあるカフェ!植物園のような中でまったりゆっくり出来ます!!雰囲気良くて食事の値段も安いのでオススメ。 多分エアコンは無くて扇風機だけなのですが、植物に囲まれて涼しくてとても気持ちよかったです。KLからも近いので、たまにリフレッシュしにくるのもいいですね!



私達が行ったとき月曜日の午後だったのですが、カフェには殆ど人がいなく貸し切り状態。こんなに素敵な場所なのに何でお客さんがいないんだろう。。。 と思いましたが、土日はお客さんでいっぱいです(#^.^#)


Place name:
Florescence Cafe in World Of Phalaenopsis (shop) in Ulu Yam area. From Bukit Bintang by car takes about 1 Hours.
03-6075 1133
Lot 1017, Kampung Sungai Kamin, Ulu Yam Baru (Batang Kali)
Operating Time:
Everyday 8.30am to 17pm
Can park at the entrance.
My remark:
What a amazing place! World Of Phalaenopsis is a orchid farm shop. You can buy many different of orchid flower here and other plants, plant pot etc. Furthermore, an amazing hidden cafe call Florescence Cafe. Hard to pronounce... But very fancy with many beautiful orchid flowers and plants, look at the picture!!! Its too speechless! like the The Orchid Conservatory at The Majestic Hotel. I think is more than that! MUST MUST MUST come and take many pictures! The nasi lemak was good and spicy and other kuih muih. BTW, if Sunday, then will have more menu to order like noodle. Other day, coffee, nasi lemak (about RM12), desserts and cakes. The atmosphere is clean and fresh. In side the cafe, they running the ventilation fan to keep temperature low. If pass by Ulu Yam, please make a drop by!!!