【マレーシア 移住 不動産 アパートメント ホテル 旅行 観光 ステイ 賃貸 MM2H ブログ Blog】

【マレーシア 観光 旅行ブログ Blog】スカイミラー (Sky Mirror)
Shop name:
Peel Road Nasi Lemak (啤律椰漿飯) [In between the bridge which connect Ikea Cheras and Sunway Velocity mall.]
88, Jalan Peel, Maluri, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Operating Hour:
MON, TUE, WED, FRI, SAT, SUN – 2pm to 9pm (Closed on THU)
FRI, SAT, SUN: Special Rendang Chicken will be served.
Surrounding the shoplot but full all the time.
My remark:
Do you know Peel Road, Maluri Cheras in Kuala Lumpur? In between the bridge which connect Ikea Cheras and Sunway Velocity mall, you can find a Kopitiam (Restaueant) is 皇后茶餐室 (Restaurant Queen’s), an old style local restaurant building. Heard that this local shop and beside the street well known as Peel Road, Hawker street 为食街 for over 40 years. This Peel Road Nasi Lemak (啤律椰漿飯) already opened more than 20 years! What is Chinese Nasi Lemak? Means its with pork. Their signature is fried Chicken, Rendang Chicken (Dry Chicken, only on FRI, SAT, SUN) and Curry boar (mountain pig). Curry boar is very good! 10 side dishes to choose and also very fresh because the owner will cook on the spot depends the situation. Of course beside this stall, there are other like pork noodles, Char Kew Teoh, popiah (pork free), fried noodles etc. Surrounding this area, many new condominium under construction and keeping changing and changing, Hope 皇后茶餐室 (Restaurant Queen’s) and all the shop will keep doing and doing.
Home Page : https://www.erikklmontkiara.com/
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/erikmalaysiaproperties/
Youtube : Erik Tabiniko KL&MontKiara Properties
短期&長期の宿泊の予約受付中、大人気のマレーシア スカイミラー (Sky Mirror) の予約も受付中
Face Book : https://www.facebook.com/enaworkstabiniko/
Youtube : Tabiniko TV
ekkl2020@gmail.com, eandaworks@gmail.com
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Twitter : aya_malaysia
Instagram : erikkongkong
Twitter: @Erik84367253